Avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes
Avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes

avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes
  1. #Avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes movie
  2. #Avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes series

Now that the series is finally over and the endgame couples are set, much butthurt is to be had by everyone that was not right about their ZOMG TRUE LOVES couple of choice. Masters of the print screen button and MS Paint.Over the course of the 3 long (and progressively lamer) seasons the arguments over which kid will finger bang which kid has gotten more and more intense as fans wait for the final episodes to air. "Avatar" shippers are especially persistent even though this is an American "kid" show and the likelihood of anyone getting fucked is zero. "Shippers", as they like to be called, are losers giving a shit about who fucks who in any given form of entertainment for lack of a love life of their own. The sane and rational faces of the Zutarian community. Yue: A ganguro 16-year-old girl whose life is tied to the Moon Spirit after Zhao killed the Moon Fish, she became an hero to bring it back.Is more or less the animated version of Adolf Hitler, but with a goatee instead of a toothbrush mustache. Ozai: Emperor who kills people for the lulz.Momo and Appa: Pointless merchandising mascots.Is the only character on the show who's even worth mentioning. Pretty cool for a fat old man, seeing how he can still get ripped while being over 9000 years old. In season 2, his habit of snitching finally got him killed and no one cared about him after that. Jet: Azn bum who flooded a town off the map in an attempt to impress Katara, but she rejected him on the spot.Ty Lee: Anorexic, acrobatic bitch whose cunt gushes at the sight of Sokka.Universally loathed and loved by retarded fangirls. Mai: Zuko's canon slut and the hottest bitch on this overrated weeaboo show and eh is pretty cool, pwns batshit main villain bitches with ninja knives and doesn't afraid of anything.Formerly a queen bee, she was betrayed by her "friends" when they realized how much of a psychotic bitch she was, subsequently leading her to develop paranoid schizophrenia and leaving her susceptible to pwnage by Zuko and Katara in the last episode. Azula: Angry lesbo who also fucks her daddy on the side.Faps to his mom when he's alone at night. Zuko: An emo victim mama's boy with daddy issues who goes through more character and costume changes than anyone else in the show because the writers couldn't decide who the fuck he's supposed to be.Suki: A kabuki cosplaying bitch whose anomalous existence as Sokka's fuck buddy could only be explained as the creators' hardcore fantasies come to life.Overrated loli mary sue, known for being a badass machine and having earth hax that she invented while shoving dirt up her cunt, and a pure fannon waifu slut more so than even Ty Lee the resident fap bait. Using her feet to see causes people with foot fetishes to lover her. Can't fight without her feet since she's blind as fuck.

avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes

Toph: A little kid who specializes in throwing rocks at people.Has a boomerang, despite the fact that he doesn't live in Australia. Sokka: Katara's powerless brother and typical village idiot.Has an army of batshit online fangirls and fanboys who will viciously defend her retarded behavior when they're not beating off to child porn. Katara: An Eskimo with the amazing ability to throw water at things, all around uppity bitch who complains about everyone else's problems and won't admit to any of her own.Fangirls insist he is a " smooth ladies man", even though the last time he's seen a cunt is when he was born.

avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes

His innocent appearance masks his perverted fantasies of fucking the only girl who will talk to him.

  • Aang: A painfully saccharine and wide-eyed shota and a Skinhead who's supposed to save the world with the power of blasphemous godly Azn magic.
  • Aimed at the 6-11 age demographic it naturally has a bunch of batshit insane fans in their 20's and 30's that make this shitty show all kinds of uncomfortable for the fine peoples of the Internets. They spend most of their time learning valuable lessons about lame shit and teaching white children an extremely loose interpretation of Azn voodoo moon religion.

    #Avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes movie

    This show being overrated and now having being made into an epic fail movie is about a bunch of whiny teensies who know kung fu and have the ability to summon natural powers. Otaku are known to cry and scream that Avatar isn't animu as it was made by Americans but they can go suck a dick because. The popular fake animu series Avatard was created by two faggot weeaboos in order to amass obscene piles of Jew gold from other weeaboos.

  • 9.4.4 Chapter Four: Mai reacts to the goings-on in a completely rational manner and gets killed for her troubles.
  • 9.4.3 Chapter Three: A Whore's Redemption.
  • 9.4.2 Chapter Two: Europe and Dead Babies.
  • 9.4.1 Chapter 1: Life in what is totally the Earth Kingdom why do you ask?.
  • 6.1.3 Part 3: I WON'T BUY THIS FOR A DOLLAR.
  • 6.1.2 Part 2: Rival Schools Electric Boogaloo.

  • Avatar the last airbender book 3 full episodes